لیست بزرگ ترین روانشناسان


    * Lyn Yvonne Abramson
    * Alfred Adler
    * Mary Ainsworth
    * Hagop S Akiskal
    * George Albee
    * Jüri Allik
    * Lauren Alloy
    * Gordon Allport
    * Adelbert Ames, Jr.
    * Harlene Anderson
    * John R. Anderson
    * Nancy C. Andreasen (psychiatrist)
    * Ernst Angel
    * Heinz Ansbacher
    * John Archer
    * Michael Argyle
    * Solomon Asch
    * Roberto Assagioli
    * John William Atkinson
    * Au?ra Augustinavi?i?t?

    * Alan D Baddeley
    * Albert Bandura
    * Russell Barkley
    * Jerome Barkow
    * Lisa Feldman Barrett
    * Lawrence W. Barsalou
    * Daniel Batson
    * Diana Baumrind
    * Aaron T. Beck (father of Cognitive Therapy, Beck Scales)
    * Larry E. Beutler
    * Alfred Binet
    * Robert Bjork
    * Theodore H. Blau (first practising clinician elected president of APA}
    * Stephen F. Blinkhorn
    * Gordon H. Bower
    * John Bowlby (founder of attachment theory)
    * Paolo Bozzi
    * Nathaniel Branden
    * Charles Brewer
    * Carl Brigham
    * Urie Bronfenbrenner (Ecological Systems Theory)
    * Jerome Bruner
    * Emily Bushnell
    * David Buss
    * Donn Byrne (Law of interpersonal attraction)
    * Ruth M. J. Byrne

    * Mary Whiton Calkins
    * Donald T. Campbell
    * James Cattell (helped establish psychology as a legitimate science)
    * Raymond Cattell (Factor analysis, 16 Personality Factors and the Big Five, Fluid versus crystallized intelligence)
    * Stephen J. Ceci (leading intelligence and memory specialist)
    * Jean-Martin Charcot
    * Nancy Chodorow
    * Noam Chomsky
    * Robert Cialdini
    * Lee Anna Clark
    * Clyde Coombs
    * Leda Cosmides
    * Catharine Cox
    * Lee Cronbach
    * Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


    * Martin Daly
    * Martin Dannecker
    * John Darley
    * Daniel O David
    * Raymond Dean (for work as a neuropsychologist)
    * Randy Dellosa
    * John Dewey
    * Dietrich Doerner
    * Robin Dunbar
    * David F. Duncan


    * Hermann Ebbinghaus
    * Derek Edwards
    * Paul Ekman (pioneer in the study of emotions and their relation to facial expressions)
    * Albert Ellis (founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, grandfather of cognitive-behavioral therapies)
    * Virgilio Enriquez (founder of Filipino Psychology)
    * Erik H. Erikson
    * Milton H. Erickson
    * John E. Exner
    * Hans Eysenck


    * Freitas-Magalh?es
    * Jose Fadul
    * Leon Festinger
    * Susan Fiske
    * Edna B Foa
    * Viktor Frankl
    * Barbara Fredrickson
    * Anna Freud
    * Sigmund Freud (founder of Psychoanalysis)
    * Erich Fromm
    * Adrian Furnham


    * [[John Gabrieli]
    * Gordon G. Gallup, Jr. (Mirror self-recognition (MSR) test)
    * Francis Galton
    * Riley Gardner
    * Elmer R. Gates
    * Kenneth Gergen (social constructionism)
    * J. J. Gibson
    * Gerd Gigerenzer (bounded rationality)
    * Carol Gilligan
    * Stan Gooch
    * Florence Goodenough
    * Elizabeth Gould
    * James Gross
    * Robert Grosseteste
    * Félix Guattari (founder of Schizoanalysis)
    * J. P. Guilford


    * Chris Hatcher
    * Jay Haley
    * G. Stanley Hall
    * Jane S. Halonen
    * Robert Hare
    * Harry Harlow
    * Donald O. Hebb
    * Fritz Heider
    * Asgeir Helgason
    * Richard Herrnstein
    * Margie Holmes
    * Edwin Holt
    * Karen Horney
    * Clark L. Hull
    * Edwin Hutchins



    * William James
    * Kay Redfield Jamison
    * Julian Jaynes
    * Arthur Jensen
    * Marcia K. Johnson
    * Robert A. Johnson
    * Philip Johnson-Laird
    * Ernest Jones
    * Mary Cover Jones
    * Carl Gustav Jung


    * Jerome Kagan
    * Daniel Kahneman (Nobel Prize in Economics)
    * Alan S. Kaufman
    * Nadeen L. Kaufman
    * George Kelly
    * Harold Kelley
    * Otto F. Kernberg (psychiatrist)
    * Doreen Kimura
    * Alfred Kinsey
    * Melanie Klein
    * Brian Knutson
    * Kurt Koffka (co-founder of Gestalt psychology)
    * Wolfgang K?hler (co-founder of Gestalt psychology)
    * Lawrence Kohlberg
    * Heinz Kohut
    * Emil Kraepelin
    * Elizabeth Kübler-Ross


    * Jacques Lacan
    * Ellen Langer
    * Jan van der Lans
    * Karl Lashley
    * Bibb Latane
    * Richard Lazarus
    * Mark Lepper
    * Kurt Lewin
    * David Lewis
    * Benjamin Libet
    * Rensis Likert (developed the Likert Scale)
    * Marsha M. Linehan
    * Elizabeth Loftus
    * Konrad Lorenz
    * Barry Lubetkin
    * Alexander Romanovich Luria/Lurija


    * Margaret Mahler
    * James G. March - (Cognitive organizational psychologist)
    * Abraham Maslow
    * William Masters and Virginia Johnson (Physicians and sexologists)
    * Rollo May
    * David McClelland
    * James McClelland
    * William McDougall
    * Patrick J McGrath
    * Peter McGuffin
    * Jacques Mehler
    * Ronald Melzack
    * Wolfgang Metzger
    * Stanley Milgram
    * Alice Miller
    * George A. Miller
    * Neal E. Miller
    * Brenda Milner
    * Arnold Mindell (founder of Process Oriented Psychology)
    * Walter Mischel
    * Jacob L. Moreno (founder of Psychodrama)
    * C. Lloyd Morgan (noted for his canon)
    * Orval Hobart Mowrer
    * Hugo Munsterberg


    * Ulric Neisser
    * Alexander Sutherland Neill
    * Erich Neumann
    * Richard Nisbett
    * Donald Norman
    * Kent Norman


    * Bill O"Hanlon
    * Charles E. Osgood


    * Allan Paivio
    * Linda Papadopoulos
    * Gordon Parker
    * Ivan Pavlov
    * Fritz Perls
    * Christopher Peterson
    * Jean Piaget
    * Steven Pinker
    * Robert Plomin
    * Michael Posner
    * Jonathan Potter
    * James W. Prescott



    * Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
    * Otto Rank
    * Reimut Reiche
    * Ulf-Dietrich Reips
    * Daniel Reisberg
    * Samuel Renshaw
    * Cecil R. Reynolds
    * Sylvia Rimm
    * Carl Rogers
    * Hermann Rorschach (developed the Rorschach inkblot test)
    * Eleanor Rosch
    * Paul Rosenfels
    * Robert Rosenthal
    * Barbara Rothbaum (pioneer in the field of Virtual reality therapy)
    * John Rowan
    * David Rumelhart


    * Eleanor Saffran
    * Virginia Satir
    * Daniel Schacter
    * Stanley Schachter
    * Roy Schafer
    * Edgar Schein
    * Gunter Schmidt
    * Erich Schr?ger
    * Walter Dill Scott
    * Martin Seligman
    * Tamara Sher
    * Sara Shettleworth
    * Morita Shoma
    * Volkmar Sigusch
    * Herbert Simon (Nobel Prize in Economics)
    * Theodore Simon
    * B. F. Skinner
    * Paul Slovic
    * Stanley Smith Stevens
    * Charles Spearman
    * Robert Sternberg
    * Harry Stack Sullivan
    * Hal Stone (co-creator of Voice Dialogue and Psychology of Selves)
    * Sidra Stone (co-creator of Voice Dialogue and Psychology of Selves)
    * William Swann
    * José Szapocznik


    * Lewis Terman
    * Edward Thorndike
    * L. L. Thurstone
    * Edward Titchener
    * Edward C. Tolman
    * John Tooby
    * Ellis Paul Torrance
    * Anne Treisman
    * Jeanne Tsai
    * Endel Tulving
    * Elliot Turiel (founder of Domain Theory, the primary challenge to Kohlberg"s stages of moral development)
    * Amos Tversky
    * David Tzuriel


    * Dimitri Uznadze


    * Alfons Vansteenwegen
    * Lev Vygotsky
    * J. Buzz Von Ornsteiner


    * Henri Wallon (French psychologist)
    * Hans-Jürgen Walter (founder of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy)
    * Brian Wansink
    * Margaret Floy Washburn (First female PhD in psychology)
    * John B. Watson
    * Paul Watzlawick
    * David Wechsler
    * Karl E. Weick - (Cognitive organizational psychologist)
    * Robert Weimar
    * Max Wertheimer (co-founder of Gestalt psychology)
    * Michael White (founder of Narrative Therapy)
    * Ken Wilber (Transpersonal psychology, then Integral psychology)
    * Glenn D Wilson (Personality and sexual behaviour)
    * Donald Woods Winnicott
    * Robert S. Woodworth
    * Wilhelm Wundt (father of Experimental psychology)



    * Robert Yerkes


    * Robert J. Zajonc
    * Oliver Zangwill
    * René Zazzo
    * Bluma Zeigarnik
    * Philip Zimbardo